Q: How do I get a horse or pony measured?
A: Complete the online Application Form and pay for the Measurement, then once you have done that you can book an appointment with an Official Measurer via telephone. After removing its shoes and having its feet trimmed you can then take your horse to its measuring appointment. It is the Owner’s responsibility to have the animal’s shoes removed and the feet prepared before measurement. The feet should be correctly trimmed and balanced 'as for shoeing'.
Q: What is the difference between an Annual and a Full Measurement?
A: Annual Measurements are carried out on 4, 5, 6 & 7 year old animals and animals over 8 years old who are having their first Measurement. Full Measurements are done on all animals 8 years old or more that have had at least one Annual Measurement in a previous year.
Q: How long does an Annual Measurement last?
A: All Annual Measurements shall expire on 31st December in the calendar year in which the Annual Measurement took place or 364 days after issue, depending on the specific JMB Member Society you compete with, unless the Board in its absolute discretion determines otherwise. To continue competing another Annual (for animals under 8 year old) or a Full (for animals 8 year old or more) Measurement will be required.
Q: Can I get a Gold Measurement?
A: No, As of 22/02/2022 Gold Measurements have been discontinued.
Q: Has my horse or pony been measured before?
A: You can search the Measurement Database here - please check for both its Microchip Number & its name.
Q: How can I find an Official Measurer?
A: The Panel of Official Measurers is listed here
Q: Can I use any Official Measurer?
A: You cannot use the same Official Measurer for consecutive Measurements, although they can do every other measurement, eg 4, 6 & 8 years old. For Full Measurements the Official Measurer must also be from a different practice to the last Official Measurer.
Q: What is the difference between a Life Height Measurement or a Full Measurement?
A: None. The term “Life” is obsolete; this term was altered by the Board to “Full" in 2002.
Q: Why can't I login to my User Account?
A. Make sure you are logging in using the User's Login and not the Measurer's Login. If you have forgotten your password, use the forgotten password link and check you spam/ junk mail for the reset link email. If you still can't get in, are you using the correct email address? The system will only let you create a new user account if your email address has not previously been registered,
Q: What happens after a Measurement, do I get a certificate?
A: No physical certificates are issued. Check the database for proof of the animal’s latest Measurement. The Official Measurer submits a Measurement form online and the database is updated with the details. We aim to update the online database search facility within 3 working days of receiving the form. The JMB has been paperless since 2017.
Q: How do societies and shows know my horse has been measured?
A: They can refer to our website or you can email or post them a screenshot of the online database entry. Some societies have incorporated how they want to be notified in their rules so if in doubt check with the relevant body. We do not inform anybody routinely.
Q: Can I give my animal a "calmer" or a tranquiliser before it is measured?
A: No. The animal must not be under the influence of any Prohibited Substance and nothing other than normal food and water can be given on the day of a Measurement.
Q: How much is a measurement?
A: The whole fee for an Annual or Full Measurement is payable by the owner online BEFORE the Measurement is carried out. The JMB pays the Official Measurer for their services out of this fee. From 2025 the fee structure will be as follows: The measurement application fee for the FIRST measurement will be £105 plus a £20 JMB registration/ admin fee therefore the fee will total £125. For any other measurements the measurement application fees will be £105. NB Refunds will not be made after the 31st December in the year of payment and of any refund requested the JMB will retain 20% to cover banking charges (Stripe) and administration fees incurred.
Q: Does the JMB accept SJ Ireland Measurements or FEI Measurements?
A: No. The JMB ONLY accepts measurements completed according to JMB Rules on a JMB inspected measuring pad by an Official of the JMB Measurer's Panel with a calibrated measuring stick.
Q: What do I do if I am not happy with the result of a Measurement?
A: The JMB recognises two types of problems with a Measurement.
1. "Animal/owner" problems include improper preparation or handling of the animal (not taught to stand properly and relax, or hooves not pared in accordance with the rules or not in the physical state required by the rules or it has or is suspected to have been given a prohibited substance). If the measurer finds this type of problem he/she is required to abandon the Measurement until the animal can be presented in accordance with the rules. The measurer is entitled to charge the owner for his/her time.
2. "Measurer" problems include a measuring environment not conducive to obtaining the truly minimum relaxed height (e.g. noise, commotion, smell or other stimuli). The Measurement should be abandoned and rearranged. The owner will pay no further fee and the measurer will not be paid by the JMB until the Measurement is completed.
It is essential that in either type of problem the issue is resolved at the time of the Measurement. If you are not happy at a later date the first thing to do is contact the Official Measurer and try to resolve the problem before you contact the Joint Measurement Board. If the result of a Measurement is not what you expected (e.g. the animal measured "out") but the Measurement was totally in accordance with the rules the only recourse the owner has is to apply for a Re-Measurement. There is a formal procedure for this the details can be found here (see Rule 14 onwards).