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Measurement Rules

JMB Rules, effective as of 01/01/2024 below :

NB Rules in bold type have been amended and/or added since 01/01/2024.

Types of Measurement

  1. These are the “Rules” adopted and enforced by The Joint Measurement Board Ltd (company number 01600646) (“JMB”).
  2. An “Annual Measurement” (as described in Rule 9), “Full Measurement” (as described in Rule 13) and “Re-Measurement” (meaning further measurement of a horse or pony which holds either an Annual Measurement or a Full Measurement) are referred to collectively in these Rules as “Measurement”.
  3. When any person submits an application for any Measurement under these Rules they must confirm the name of the then current legal owner of the horse or pony in respect of which the application is made (“Owner”), if the applicant fails to do so, any Measurement to which that application relates may be deemed invalid at the absolute discretion of the JMB and marked as invalid on the JMB’s Register, all costs and fees in connection with this Measurement remain payable by the Owner, and no refund will be made.
  4. The same Official Measurer (a defined in Rule 7) must not complete any consecutive Measurement of the same horse or pony. The Official Measurer must check the JMB’s online register and database (“JMB’s Register”) before completing any Measurement to ensure compliance with this Rule. In the event of a breach of this Rule the JMB will not enter the Measurement result into the JMB’s Register and the JMB will notify the Owner. Then the Owner is permitted to re-book and re-present the horse or pony for Measurement and any fee will be rolled over to cover the second Measurement.
  5. At the absolute discretion of the company directors listed at Companies House from time to time of the JMB (“Board”), any Official Measurer, member of the Board, staff of the JMB, or a nominated representative of the Board may be present at any Measurement for the purposes of training or auditing.

Annual Measurements

  1. Horses or ponies may be measured at any time of the year. All Annual Measurements shall expire on 31st December in the calendar year in which the Annual Measurement took place or 364 days after issue, depending on the specific JMB Member Society you compete with, unless the Board in its absolute discretion determines otherwise.
  2. Only one official measurer (“Official Measurer”) currently appointed to the JMB’s panel of official measurers listed on the JMB’s website (“Panel of Official Measurers”) is required to attend Annual Measurements.
  3. Horses or ponies cannot be measured before they are four years old. N.B. Age is computed as follows - a horse or pony is regarded as being one year old on 1st January next after the year in which it was foaled and becomes two years old on the following 1st January and so on.
  4. Annual Measurements are issued for (a) horses and ponies of four, five, six and seven years of age, or (b) any horse or pony aged eight years old or over which is presented for its first Measurement.
  5. Annual Measurements cannot be carried out on any horse or pony eligible for a Full Measurement.
  6. Where a horse or pony holds a valid Annual Measurement that horse or pony cannot be measured for another Annual Measurement or a Full Measurement until the previous Annual Measurement has expired, i.e. 364 days after issue, or after 31st December of the calendar year in which the Measurement took place depending on the specific JMB Member Society you compete with, unless the Board in its absolute discretion determines otherwise. However, a new Measurement can be completed 28 days prior to the expiry of its current Measurement.

Full Measurements

  1. Only one Official Measurer is required to attend a Full Measurement, in addition to the requirements at Rule 4 the Official Measurer must be from a different veterinary practice to the practice of the Official Measurer which carried out the horse or pony’s previous Annual Measurement.
  2. Horses and ponies aged eight years and over are eligible for Full Measurements, if they have had at least one valid Annual Measurement in their lifetime.

 Reasons for which a Re-Measurement may be arranged

  1. The following types of “Objections” exist (and “Objector” shall be construed accordingly):
    a) An adult exhibitor or competitor who has a horse or pony competing in the same class at a show or in the same pony race. In the event of the exhibitor or competitor being a minor, the objection may be made by their parent or guardian.
    b) The chairman or secretary on behalf of a show executive.
    c) The judge(s) of a class in which a horse or pony is competing/has competed, either directly to the JMB or through the relevant “Member Society” (being one listed at the foot of these Rules).
    d) A steward or official at a pony race in which a horse or pony is competing either directly to the JMB or through the relevant Member Society.
    e) At the request to the JMB by  a horse or pony’s own Owner.
    f) At the request to the JMB by a Member Society.
    g) On the instructions of the Board who can require a Re-Measurement of any horse or pony that has had any type of Measurement at their absolute discretion at any time.
  1. The JMB will not disclose the identity of an Objector or the date of the event, the class or race, to any third party including but not limited to the Owner, agent or keeper of the horse or pony.
  2. In the case of an Objection falling within Rule 14 a) – d) the Objector must inform the JMB of the Objection in writing within 21 days of the relevant class or race in which the horse or pony competed. Details of the horse or pony’s name, the class or race and show or race meeting involved, and the name of its Owner must be included with the Objector’s notification.
  3. In the case of an Objection falling within Rule 14 a) the Objector must also sign a declaration of truth confirming that the horse or pony in respect of which they raised an Objection, and that the Objector’s horse or pony were in the same class at a show or the same pony race.
  4. In the case of an Objection falling with Rule 14 e) – g) an Objection can be made at any time.
  5. Objections must be made in writing either by recorded letter to the JMB office or email (to [email protected]), and in the case of an Objection under either:
  1. Rule 14 a); or
  2. Rule 14 e); or
  3. Rule 14 f) but only if more than three Re-measurements have been requested in that calendar year by the Member Society.

the Objector shall pay a fee of £1,500 within 24 hours of submitting the Objection. The objector will receive £750 back if the new height entry on the JMB register alters the animal’s relevant classification.

  1. The JMB will initiate the Re-Measurement procedure following receipt of the written Objection and (if relevant) the fee, save that there will be no obligation on the JMB to initiate the Re-Measurement procedure if it decides in its absolute discretion that at least one of the criteria in Rules 14 (a) – (g) are not met. 
  2. The JMB does not and will not assess the merit or basis of any Objection, any assessment of the merit or basis of an Objection (and/or any action resulting from such assessment) will be a matter for the relevant Member Society.

Re-Measurement – administrative procedure

  1. The JMB will inform the Owner (via the Owner’s Email Address described at Rule 24) that an Objection has been received and/or a Re-Measurement is required and will arrange for the Re-Measurement to take place. The JMB will arrange the appointment with the Owner and will notify the Official Measurer(s) and Board member who will attend the Re-Measurement, of the time and place of Re-Measurement. The JMB may also notify the Objector or the representative of the Member Society of the time and place of Re-Measurement.
  2. The Owner, agent or keeper of the horse or pony is obliged to arrange for it to be presented for Re-Measurement. The Board will expect the full co-operation of the Owner, agent, or keeper to avoid any delay in completing the Re-Measurement.
  3. The Re-Measurement must take place on or before the expiry of 21 working days immediately following the date of the JMB informing the Owner that a Re-Measurement is required unless the JMB grants additional time at its absolute discretion (“Time Period”). All notifications will be made by email to the email address of the Owner, agent or keeper which is registered with the JMB at the horse or pony’s last Measurement or to the email address provided by a Member Society (“Owner’s Email Address”).
  4. If on expiry of the Time Period or if applicable the expiry of the Abortive Time Period (as described at Rule 33) the horse or pony has not been presented for Re-Measurement any existing height entry in the JMB’s Register regarding that horse or pony will be immediately deemed invalid and will be marked as invalid on the JMB’s Register unless and until a Re-Measurement takes place. In that event:
    1. the JMB will also notify the Member Society with which the horse or pony is registered for the Member Society to decide what action should be taken.
    2. the horse or pony cannot be presented again for Re-Measurement except in exceptional circumstances and only at the absolute discretion of the Board.
  5. If an Objection is withdrawn by the Objector by written notice to the JMB no later than two working days before the horse or pony is due to be presented for Re-Measurement the Board may at its absolute discretion accept the withdrawal of the Objection. In that event if a fee has been paid by the Objector it will not be refunded. Also, in that event the JMB will notify the Owner of the horse or pony that the Objection has been withdrawn and that the horse or pony need not be presented for Re-Measurement. The JMB will also notify the relevant Official Measurers that it has accepted the withdrawal of the Objection, and the Re-Measurement appointment will be cancelled.
  6. If any Re-Measurement is arranged under these Rules and the Owner chooses not to attend the Re-Measurement appointment, the Owner must not less than 48 hours before the appointment notify the JMB of the name and contact details (address and telephone number) of an “Owner’s Representative” to attend on the Owner behalf. The Owner’s Representative shall have the full and irrevocable authority to act on behalf of the Owner regarding the Re-Measurement including but not limited to the signing of any documents at the Re-Measurement.
  7. If any Re-Measurement is arranged under these Rules and the Owner chooses not to attend the Re-Measurement appointment but fails to notify the JMB in accordance with Rule 27 the Owner will be deemed to have accepted and be satisfied with the Re-Measurement procedure undertaken at the Re-Measurement. For the avoidance of doubt this means that the Owner will be deemed to have accepted and be satisfied with the Measuring Pad, the surroundings, the conduct of those present, and that the procedure was carried out in accordance with the Rules.
  8. If a Re-Measurement is arranged but the appointment is cancelled or postponed by or on behalf of the Owner of the horse or pony for any reason less than 48 hours before the start time of the planned Re-Measurement, a total fee of £1,200 will be payable by the Owner of the horse or pony to the JMB. If the Owner provides evidence of a genuine reason for the cancellation or postponement the JMB in its absolute discretion may discount or waive the £1,200 fee.
  9. If a Re-Measurement is arranged but the appointment is cancelled or postponed by or on behalf of the Owner of the horse or pony for any reason more than 48 hours before the start time of the planned Re-Measurement, a total fee of £300 will be payable by the Owner of the horse or pony to the JMB. If the Owner provides evidence of a genuine reason for the cancellation or postponement the JMB in its absolute discretion may discount or waive the £300 fee.
  10. Any cancellation or postponement of a planned Re-Measurement by or on behalf of the Owner shall not impact the Time Period.
  11. If the cancellation or postponement of a planned Re-Measurement is caused by the JMB, the JMB may extend the Time Period for such period as it considers fit and if so, will notify the Owner of that extension of the Time Period.
  12. Should a Re-Measurement (1) be aborted, postponed or otherwise delayed by or on behalf of the Owner for any reason; or (2) aborted, postponed or delayed by an Official Measurer and/or Board member because the horse or pony is deemed unfit to measure (for any reason), then the Owner will be liable for the cost of another Re-Measurement in the sum of £1,200 and no second Re-Measurement will take place unless and until the fee is paid. In any event, any existing height entry in the JMB’s Register regarding that horse or pony will be immediately deemed invalid and will be marked as invalid on the JMB’s Register unless and until a second Re-Measurement takes place. The second Re-Measurement should take place within 1 calendar month of the aborted, delayed or postponed Re-Measurement unless the Board in its absolute discretion grants additional time (“Abortive Time Period”). After expiry of the Abortive Time Period horses or ponies cannot be presented for Re-Measurement except with the express consent of the Board such consent to be at the Board’s absolute discretion.
  13. Where no other specific Rule applies and the Re-Measurement is aborted, delayed, or postponed, then the JMB shall determine in its absolute discretion who should bear the costs of the aborted Re-Measurement and any second Re-Measurement. In those circumstances the Board will decide in its absolute discretion whether until such time as a second Re-Measurement can take place (1) any existing height entry in the JMB’s Register regarding that horse or pony will be immediately deemed invalid and marked as invalid on the JMB’s Register; or (2) any existing height entry in the JMB’s Register regarding that horse or pony remains valid. The second Re-Measurement should take place within the Abortive Time Period described in Rule 33. After expiry of the Abortive Time Period horses or ponies cannot be presented for Re-Measurement except with the express consent of the Board such consent to be at the Board’s absolute discretion.
  14. If a second Re-Measurement appointment is postponed, cancelled, or aborted by or on behalf of the Owner of the horse or pony for any reason, the horse or pony will not be permitted to be re-presented for any further Measurement except in exceptional circumstances and at the absolute discretion of the Board. In that event the Board will decide the procedure and fees for any further Measurement and will notify the Owner of that procedure and fees.
  15. If a second Re-Measurement appointment is postponed, cancelled, or aborted by someone other than either the Owner or someone acting on the Owner’s behalf, the Board will decide in its absolute discretion whether the horse or pony will be permitted to be re-presented for any further Measurement. In that event the Board will decide the procedure and fees for any further Measurement and will notify the Owner of that procedure and fees.
  16. For the avoidance of doubt under these Rules informing the Owner or notification of the Owner unless otherwise specifically stated will be deemed to have occurred if the Owner, the last known Owner, the Owner’s authorised representative, the Owner’s agent, the last known Owner’s agent or the horse or pony’s producer has been informed or notified in writing by letter sent to their last known address or email sent to their last known email address.

Invalid Measurements

  1. Any pending or existing Measurement height entry in the JMB’s Register regarding a horse or pony will be immediately deemed invalid and will be marked as invalid on the JMB’s Register in the following circumstances:
    1. Any fees associated with the Measurement are unpaid or the Owner of the horse or pony concerned is in debt to the JMB or a Member Society regarding a Measurement of any type. 
    2. In accordance with Rules 25 and 33 above regarding the Time Period and/or Abortive Time Period.  
    3. A Prohibited Substance (defined in Rule 46 below) is found in any sample taken from the horse or pony at the time of a Measurement or Re-Measurement. In that event, the JMB will also notify the Member Society with which the horse or pony is registered for the Member Society to decide what action should be taken.
  2. The entry posted on the JMB’s Register regarding any invalid Measurement will be accompanied by confirmation of which of the reasons for invalidation apply under the Rules.  

Preparation and venue for all Measurements

  1. All Measurements must be carried out by an Official Measurer, on an official measurement pad, being a pad, which has prior to the Measurement been visited and approved by the JMB for the purposes of measuring under these Rules (“Official Measurement Pad”).
  2. It is the responsibility of the Owner, and in their interests, to ensure that the horse or pony is well handled, accustomed to the application of a measuring stick, and correctly prepared for Measurement. At the Measurement, the horse or pony must have had all four shoes removed and the feet must be correctly prepared and balanced as for shoeing with the wall taken down level with the bearing edge of the sole. (See the JMB’s advice sheet).
  3. The Owner is responsible for ensuring that the horse or pony’s name and microchip number submitted on the application form for any Measurement is identical to that printed in the horse or pony’s passport by the passport issuer. Competition names, stable names or names not as printed on the passport and not as registered with the passport issuer will not be added to the JMB’s register. Un-named horses or ponies must be named with the passport issuer before a Measurement takes place.
  4. In the case of an Annual Measurement or a Full Measurement, having applied and paid for the measurement online, Owners, agents or keepers of the horse or pony must communicate directly with the relevant Official Measurer regarding the time and location of the Annual Measurement or Full Measurement.                        
  5. An Official Measurer cannot measure any horse or pony where an actual or potential conflict of interest arises. An actual or potential conflict of interest includes but is not limited to measuring any horse or pony owned, part owned, leased, or loaned to, sold by or produced by:

a) the Official Measurer undertaking the Measurement;
b) a friend of the Official Measurer undertaking the Measurement; 
c) a member of the family of the Official Measurer undertaking the Measurement (including unmarried partners); or 
d) a business partner, employer or employee of the Official Measurer undertaking the Measurement.
If an Official Measurer is in any doubt about a possible conflict of interest, he or she is advised to discuss the matter with the JMB office or the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Professional Conduct Department.

45. If the JMB considers that an actual or potential conflict of interest has arisen regarding a Measurement before the Measurement is entered onto the JMB’s register it will not be so entered. If the JMB considers that an actual or potential conflict of interest has arisen regarding a Measurement after the Measurement is entered onto the JMB’s register that register entry will be marked as invalid, in which case the Owner is permitted to re-book and re-present the horse or pony for Measurement and the JMB in its absolute discretion will decide whether an additional fee is payable and the amount of that fee.

Prohibited Substances

  1. A “Prohibited Substance” means a substance which originates externally to the horse or pony, whether it is endogenous to it or not, and is included in the JMB’s Prohibited Substances list published on the JMB website from time to time (available here) and in force on the date of the Measurement.
  2. The horse or pony must not receive any substance on the day of Measurement (whether by injection, orally or by any other method) other than normal forage, feed and water offered by mouth until the Measurement is completed.
  3. The horse or pony must not have present in its system any Prohibited Substance at any time on the calendar day of any Measurement. A blood sample must be taken at all Re-Measurements, and the Official Measurer(s) or the Board member present may at their absolute discretion require any other sample to be taken from the horse or pony (including but not limited to urine, hair, saliva, skin). At an Annual Measurement or Full Measurement, the Official Measurer(s) or the Board member present may at their absolute discretion require any sample to be taken from the horse or pony (including but not limited to blood, urine, hair, saliva, skin).
  4. Any samples taken at any Measurement must be securely and promptly sent by the Official Measurer to a recognised veterinary laboratory to be retained and preserved (at the expense of the JMB) for a period of at least 6 calendar months starting on the date of the Measurement. If before the expiry of that period, the JMB notifies the Official Measurer that a sample must be retained for a longer period the Official Measurer must ensure the sample is retained by the laboratory for such period as requested by the JMB.
  5. The JMB in its absolute discretion may require any sample taken from a horse or pony at any Measurement to be analysed. If analysis of a sample shows the presence of a Prohibited Substance, the JMB will notify the Member Society with which the horse or pony is registered, and the Member Society will take such action under its own rules and procedures as it sees fit. The relevant Measurement result will immediately be deemed invalid and will be posted as invalid on the JMB website along with confirmation that a Prohibited Substance has been identified in a sample taken from the horse or pony. The owner is responsible for the costs if further investigations are required of the positive sample by the laboratory. 
  6. The owner then must pay the fee of another measurement, the fee for another sample to be taken from the horse or pony (including but not limited to blood, urine, hair, saliva, skin) and any admin costs to obtain a measurement certificate. The measurement certificate will only be validated once a negative sample is received, and the relevant fee paid. 

Measurement procedure on the day

  1. The Official Measurer(s) must satisfy his/her/themselves as to the identification of the horse or pony being offered for Measurement. The horse or pony must be examined for the presence of a microchip with a scanner.
  2. If the Official Measurer(s) is/are unable, to their satisfaction and at their absolute discretion, to identify accurately the horse or pony being presented for any Measurement the horse or pony will be deemed unfit to measure (Rule 62 deals with the procedure and fees/costs regarding the aborted Measurement and any further Measurement). An inability to accurately identify the horse or pony might arise in the following non-exhaustive circumstances:
    1. No microchip is found, and the Official Measurer is not satisfied that the horse or pony can be identified from the diagrammatic identification on the passport.
    2. More than one microchip is found (whether any one of those microchips corresponds with the microchip number on the passport or not) and the Official Measurer is not satisfied that the horse or pony can be identified from the diagrammatic identification on the passport.
    3. A microchip is found which does not correspond with the microchip number on the horse or pony’s passport.

If a Measurement is aborted under Rule 52 the Official Measurer/at least one of the Official Measurers shall notify the JMB.

  1. JMB measurement certificates are no longer valid proof of any Measurement, the JMB’s Register represents the sole valid proof of any Measurement. Measurement certificates and/or designated measurement pages within a horse or pony’s passport should not be completed by Official Measurers.
  2. The horse or pony should be handled quietly and allowed to relax before Measurement is attempted. The horse or pony should be positioned for Measurement with (a) all four feet taking weight and as near perpendicular as possible; (b) the front legs parallel and perpendicular with the toes of the front feet in line and allowing not more than 1.5 cm (½ in) difference; (c)The toes of the hind feet should not be more than 15cm (6 in) out of line with each other.
  3. The horse or pony’s head must be in its natural position in relation to its neck, positioned so that the eye is neither more than 8 cm (3 in) below, nor more than 8 cm (3 in) above the highest point of the withers.
  4. The Measurement must be taken at the highest point of the withers, (i.e. immediately above the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebra), which at the discretion of the Official Measurer(s) or Board member present, may be identified, by palpation and if necessary be marked before any Measurements are made.
  5. The horse or pony’s handler, the Owner and/or the Owner’s Representative must not excessively manipulate and/or position the legs, feet, head, and neck during the Measurement process. If the Official Measurer(s) and/or the Board member present determine at their absolute discretion that such manipulation and/or positioning is excessive the Measurement process must be aborted and the Official Measurer/at least one of the Official Measurers shall notify the JMB. Then:
    1. in the case of a Full Measurement or Annual Measurement all costs and fees in connection with this Measurement remain payable by the Owner, and no refund will be made. The Owner is then permitted to re-book and re-present the horse or pony for Measurement but shall be liable for the fees of a further Measurement; and
    2. in the case of a Re-Measurement the procedure at Rule 33 shall be followed.
  6. The Official Measurer carrying out the Measurement has the responsibility that the stick they use is an accurate one; it must have been certified by a Trading Standards Officer no more than four calendar years prior to the date of the Measurement. The stick must be fitted with a spirit level and must be shod with metal.
  7. The Measurement result submitted by the Official Measurer to the JMB must be the lowest truly relaxed height of the horse or pony in the opinion of the Official Measurer.
  8. The horse or pony should be allowed to stand on the measuring pad until the Official Measurer(s) is(are) satisfied that it has acclimatized to its surroundings and that it is fully relaxed before the measurement data is recorded.
  9. If the horse or pony on presentation to an Official Measurer and/or Board Member is in their absolute opinion unfit to be measured for any reason the Measurement process must be aborted but all costs and fees in connection with this Measurement remain payable by the Owner, and no refund will be given. The Official Measurer/at least one of the Official Measurers shall notify the JMB. Then:
    1. in the case of a Full Measurement or Annual Measurement all costs and fees in connection with this Measurement remain payable by the Owner, and no refund will be made. The Owner is then permitted to re-book and re-present the horse or pony for Measurement but shall be liable for the fees of a further Measurement; and
    2. in the case of a Re-Measurement the procedure at Rule 33 shall be followed.
  10. If in the opinion of the Official Measurer and/or Board member the physical or environmental conditions for Measurement are unacceptable for any reason, the Measurement process must be aborted. The Official Measurer/at least one of the Official Measurers shall notify the JMB. Then
    1. in the case of a Full Measurement or Annual Measurement the Owner is permitted to re-book and re-present the horse or pony for Measurement and if so, the costs and fees associated with the first Measurement shall be rolled over and apply to the later Measurement; and
    2. in the case of a Re-Measurement the procedure at Rule 34 shall be followed.
  11. Horses or ponies must be presented in a healthy working condition which in the opinion of the Official Measurer or Board member at their absolute discretion approximates to the fitness and condition in which it will compete. The Official Measurer’s or Referee’s decision as to the horse or pony’s fitness and preparation for Measurement shall be final. In addition to any other fees of costs payable under these Rules, any extra costs incurred by the JMB in enforcing this Rule 63 will be payable by the Owner.

Measurement results

  1. If a Measurement result (for the avoidance of doubt including a Re-Measurement) is received by the JMB office that, in the opinion of the Board, records a height that is significantly different to a previous Measurement, (a variance of 2cms or more), the JMB may at its absolute discretion recall the horse or pony for Re-Measurement. In this instance, the JMB will meet all veterinary and steward costs of the Re-Measurement. The Owner is responsible for the cost of their time/the Owner’s Representative’s time and transport. 
  2. In the case of any Measurement, the result must be submitted by the Official Measurer(s) online to the JMB within 48 hours of the measurement, regardless of the outcome/result, with a report if necessary.
  3. The JMB will add the result to the JMB’s Register either upon receipt of the result by the JMB, or if the JMB has decided in its absolute discretion to have any associated sample analysed, following receipt by the JMB of the analysis result. If analysis of that sample shows the presence of a Prohibited Substance, the relevant Measurement result will immediately be deemed invalid and will be posted as invalid on the JMB’s Register along with confirmation that a Prohibited Substance has been identified in a sample taken from the horse or pony.
  4. It is a matter for the Owner of the horse or pony to inform and send details of any Measurement to interested parties including a relevant Member Society, race organisers or show organisers. Although the JMB is permitted to disclose any Measurement result to any relevant Member Society, race organisers, show organisers or any regulatory/law enforcement body if it wishes.

 Re-Measurement procedure on the day

  1. For the avoidance of doubt the procedure at Rules 51 to 63 apply to Re-Measurements save that two Official Measurers must attend, identify, and measure the horse or pony.  
  2. The following individuals only are permitted to attend the Re-Measurement:
  1. two Official Measurers
  2. the attending Board member
  3. the Owner of the horse or pony OR the Owner’s representative
  4. one horse handler
  5. one official from the relevant Member Society
  6. the Objector or a representative of the Objector (the identity of whom is notified to the JMB not less than 48 hours prior to the Re-Measurement appointment) (“Objector’s Representative”)
  7. any individual approved to be in attendance by the JMB, if such approval has been communicated by the JMB to the Owner or the Owner’s representative prior to the start time of the Measurement appointment
  8. if the Board at its absolute discretion has decided they should attend for the purposes of training or auditing, any individual who is an Official Measurer, member of the Board, staff of the JMB, or a nominated representative of the Board.
  1. In no circumstances whatsoever will the Re-Measurement be delayed due to the absence of an official from the Member Society, the Objector, Objector’s Representative and/or a horse handler.
  2. The role of the Objector or the Objector’s representative is for the purpose of identifying the horse or pony only.
  3. Either of the Official Measurers or the Board member attending may, at their absolute discretion, determine who can be present at the commencement of the Re-Measurement procedure on the Official Measurement Pad.  
  4. The Board member must be present throughout the Re-Measurement procedure and shall ensure that the Re-Measurement procedure is adhered to in accordance with these Rules.
  5. The Board member attending may, at their absolute discretion, and for the purpose of minimising disruption require that all persons except the Owner or Owner’s Representative, the individual handling the horse, the Board member and the Official Measurers leave the Re-Measurement area while the Re-Measurement is being carried out.
  6. The two Official Measurers must elect to use one measuring stick which is certified in accordance with Rule 58, throughout the procedure. The Official Measurers should measure the horse or pony jointly but individually and independently of the other, noting their findings in writing. The Official Measurers will take turns to measure the horse or pony and can take as many measurements as they see fit in order to obtain the lowest truly relaxed height.
  7. If the Official Measurers agree on the lowest truly relaxed height of the horse or pony, they must notify the Board member present of the result.
  8. In the event of disagreement between the two Official Measurers a report will be prepared by them and sent to the JMB. The JMB will not enter any data on the JMB’s Register regarding the aborted Re-Measurement. The JMB will restart the administrative procedure of the Re-Measurement process (as set out at Rules 22 - 36). Rule 34 shall be followed.
  9. Following a Re-Measurement appointment, the Board member and Official Measurers will make a report on the Re-Measurement in writing to the JMB. The report shall contain information which the Official Measurer(s) and/or the attending Board member consider(s) is/are relevant to the Re-Measurement results, process and/or procedure including, but not limited to, environmental conditions, equipment, condition of the horse or pony, handling/manipulation of the horse or pony, presence or absence of any individual, actions, or omissions of any individual present.

Re-Measurement results

  1. Subject to Rule 50 the decision of the Official Measurers (acting jointly) concerning the height of the horse or pony at a Re-Measurement shall be final and binding.
  2. Save for as set out at Rules 30 to 36 when a horse or pony undergoes a Re-Measurement:
    1. if that horse or pony previously held one Annual Measurement and is aged eight years or over that horse or pony will be deemed to have had a Full Measurement (as a result of the Re-Measurement) and cannot be measured again under these Rules unless the Board in its absolute discretion determines otherwise;
    2. if that horse or pony previously held an Annual Measurement only and is aged four, five, six or seven that horse or pony cannot be measured again under these Rules until after the 31st December of the calendar year in which the Re-Measurement took place unless the Board in its absolute discretion determines otherwise; and
    3. if that horse or pony previously held a Full Measurement that horse or pony cannot be measured again under these Rules unless the Board in its absolute discretion determines otherwise;
  3. The JMB may report the Re-Measurement result to the Objector (if applicable) and will report the Re-Measurement result to the relevant Member Society. It will be a matter for the Member Society as to what if any sanctions are imposed or action taken in consequence of the Re-Measurement result, including but not limited to, the registration/member status of an Owner or horse/pony and/or the placings of any relevant class or race.

Death of horse or pony

  1. The Owner of any horse or pony which has been measured pursuant to these Rules must within 1 month report the death of the horse or pony to the JMB in writing.

Refund of Fees

  1. Refunds will not be made after the 31st December in the year of payment and of any refund requested the JMB will retain 20% to cover banking charges (Stripe) and administration fees incurred. 

Panel of Official Measurers

  1. Official Measurers are appointed to the Panel of Official Measurers by the Board annually for a period of one calendar year only. Veterinary Surgeons who have been members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for a period of five years or more may be appointed to the Panel of Official Measurers. Any such person wishing to become an Official Measurer must make an application to the Board, who shall decide at their absolute discretion whether that person should be appointed.
  2. The Board is permitted to appoint Official Measurers at any time of the year, should the Board in its absolute discretion decide this is necessary.                  
  3. The Board is permitted to remove or suspend the name of any veterinary surgeon from the Panel of Official Measurers at any time at its absolute discretion by giving written notice (by post or email) to the veterinary surgeon. The removal or suspension will take effect from the date of receipt of the notice or as otherwise specified by the JMB in the notice. In the notice the JMB will provide brief reasons for the removal or suspension, including if such removal or suspension is on an entirely non-fault basis.
  4. Veterinary Surgeons who have received a removal or suspension notice, are entitled to re-apply for appointment to the Panel of Official Measurers in the next calendar year and shall make representations in those applications regarding the removal or suspension for consideration by the Board in connection with the re-appointment.

The Board

  1. Members of the Board (Stewards) are appointed by the Member Societies, on behalf of the British Equine Veterinary Association and the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The Board constitute the management committee of the JMB. In the event of any dispute as to the interpretation of these Rules the decision of the Board (acting jointly and collectively) shall be final. Current Board members are listed here.


  1. The Board is permitted to review and amend these Rules at any time. The Member Societies are permitted acting by their appointed Board member to make proposals to the Board regarding any review or update to the Rules.

Matters not covered specifically by the Rules

  1. Where any matter shall arise and be notified to the JMB in writing which relates to and is not covered by these Rules, the Board shall consider all the relevant facts and give such directions relating thereto as may seem to them in their absolute discretion to be just and appropriate.