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A = Annual Measurement Expires on 31st December in the year the measurement was done or 364 days after issue, depending on the specific JMB Member Society you compete with. All first measurements are Annuals & all 4, 5, 6 & 7 year olds have Annuals.
F = Full Measurement Issued to animals with at least one Annual measurement & 8 years old or more. 
R = Re-measurement Measurement Annual if animal is less than 8 years old, otherwise Full. See the rules for full details. 
G = Gold Measurement Animal cannot be measured again except by order of the JMB Stewards. (Now discontinued)

Please report any errors or amendments that need to be made by sending an email to [email protected]

To get a pop up that you can screenshot/ take a picture of as proof of a current measurement just click on the bolded name in the listing below after you have searched for the horse or pony.